Monday, January 4, 2010

This is Not a New Year's Post

It's a Half Year post.

See, I have school-age children, and am of the work-from-home segment of momhood. So my "year" begins in September, and seems to effectively end with the waning of June. Sort of like a politician. Call it a fiscal eight months.

The crux of it is that we are a one computer household. I do the vast majority of my work on said computer. Children of a certain age spend a lot of time at the computer, whether using it or simply distracting the person who is using it. Ergo, if I want to get work done on the computer, I must get it done when they aren't around, or when they are asleep. Assuming that I need sleep too (and I do, or my brain may as well be Jello with shredded carrots in it -- useless, tasteless, and disgusting), school days are golden.

I'll confess that I don't think I made the best use of those golden days these past three months. Now, to do better. Make a plan. Tuck in all the fluttering edges of stuff that must be done and forge ahead.